505-847-0062 todd@ewyouthranch.org

When asked to write an article about Jack Bobroff for this edition of our newsletter, I pondered: How does one separate Jack from Bettye? I struggle to think of one without the other. Yet God, in His infinite wisdom Who brought them together and brought them together into the ministry of Eagles’ Wings did separate them…although temporarily…when He called Jack home on January 3. Jack lives on in HEAVEN.

Jack lives on in and through Bettye. They exemplified the oneness God meant for marriage, the unity meant to reflect Jesus’ relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and ours as the body of Christ. We will never see her without remembering him.

Jack lives on in and through the ministry of Eagles’ Wings: through a young man named Jose from Alamagordo, a young woman named Leanna in Albuquerque and countless others. We will remember his multi-tasking work as a member and as a Director.

Jack lives on in and through memories, of those last days on this earth with Albert. One of those times, Albert had been transferred to Manzano del Sol to rest and recuperate from the effects of chemotherapy and strengthen for surgery. Allowed to stay in the room with him, I needed to supply my own bed. Eileen Goode brought me a camping bed with inflatable mattress and helped me set it up. A day or so later, after spending the day at the dentist and still in pain, Jack showed up. I’ll never forget seeing his figure in that signature walk of his coming down the hall with an enormous tempurpedic mattress rolled up in a plastic bag. No small task. No small gesture. Huge like the heart of Jack Bobroff. We will remember his  friendship.

On another occasion, after Albert’s surgery, Jack came and sat with him so I could leave for a brief getaway and shower. When I returned, Albert told me, “You can do that again any time. Jack is a good conversationalist.” I’d be hard-pressed to think of anything Jack was not good at. He loved people and made us who were blessed enough to be the objects of that love feel we were a part of an exclusive group. We will remember his love.

The words of an old hymn wrap it up. “Others, Lord, yes, others. Let this my motto be. Help me to live for others. So I will live like Thee.” Jack’s life penned these words again and again.  Philippians 2:5-11