505-847-0062 todd@ewyouthranch.org

Eagles’ Wings Youth Ranch relies on generous gifts from passionate partners with all kinds of backgrounds and means.  It is a joy for us to give all we have to help vulnerable youth be successful in life.  It’s also a joy to receive wonderful gifts from those who want to be part of what God is doing here at the ranch.  All the gifts we receive are important, but one really stood out to me this last week.

Girl’s camp started like most camps, but we soon realized there were going to be some personality clashes.  A couple of girls in particular really kept our staff on their toes. The girls were not “bad”, they just needed attention to excel.  I’m sorry to say ‘Sharon’ never reached her full potential, though she had a wonderful time and learned many lessons.

On Friday I took her back to Albuquerque to be picked up by her grandfather who adopted her from drug addicted parents when she was very young.  ‘Sharon’ gave me a hug and her grandfather handed me an envelope. He said he appreciated us helping ‘Sharon’ and wanted to give something to help us.  Of course, I told him he did not have to do that, it was our joy to have her. He looked at me and from his heart said “You don’t have to do what you do, either.”

I received the gift and was thankful for someone who was passionate about what we do and wanted to be part of it. His gift of $200 may not seem like much to some, but he gave it from the heart and that made all the difference.  We don’t have to do what we do, and others don’t have to give what they give, but it is our joy to do so and we do it from the heart!