Dianne has a Caringbridge account where she updates everyone on how Albert is doing. Please feel free to sign up and visit with them at CaringBridge.
Today is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it! In ways the night was another restless one. Maybe because of the transition from hospital to hospice for both of us, but also because Albert coughed more. He also prayed for hours at a time. This time I did not sleep as before. I listened as he laid his requests before the Lord and prayed along with him. It was not for his health for which he prayed but begged and pleaded with God to let him help His Kingdom grow on earth. He prayed for his vision for Eagles’ Wings for the multi-purpose building, for the volunteers God would send to help build it, for the many purposes for which it could be used including for developing leaders in kingdom growth. He spoke of how we get so caught up in the world that we let the things of God slide. He asked for forgiveness for letting this happen. At one point, his praying became so fervent it was hard to keep up and he said, “but who am I, God, who am I?.” Indeed, who are we that the King would bleed and die for? Who are we that He would pray ‘Not My will Thine for?’ The answer we may never know, why the King would love us so that to an old rugged cross He’d go for who am I? I know as I watch Albert suffer, I am reminded that the King of kings and Lord of lords of the universe’s suffering was far greater than this so that we can know that death and suffering has been swallowed up in victory and because He arose and lives, we too shall be triumphant when all is said and done and we will live forever with the King of Glory! Pray for today’s transition to be exactly what is needed for Albert’s prayers to be answered. He just prayed once more asking to know what God’s will is right now. Life is full of transitions and some of those are very unexpected. One day, we will make the final one and THIS ONE, WE NOT ONLY EXPECT, THOUGH WE DO NOT KNOW THE TIME AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO IT. Until then, you may come see us or call us at DCBC 337- 328-7508.
Unless the Lord returns or calls us home tonight, we will be discharged via ambulance tomorrow to Diane Honea’s house at Dry Creek Baptist Camp. Harbor Hospice of Lake Charles will provide care. The ultrasound yesterday revealed a mass in the left upper leg. Dr. Williams says he expects there to be “a tme of getting better before the inevitable.” Albert seemed confused most of the day until the doctor’s visit. I still was not sure how much he was understanding until after all the fast and furious activity was over with the visit from Harbor Hospice. What followed between us is undoubtedly the most precious time we have shared together until now! Although some of it was meant to be kept as a private treasure, parts of it need to be told so others will know the peace that passes all understanding does reign in the hearts of God’s children at such a time as this. Albert said, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” (and pointing his finger toward the heavens) “Blessed be the name of the Lord!” He expressed what a wonderful time we will experience in the days ahead and how God may use this to touch both camps with His provision. Again the smile on his face told the story of a man who is ready for whatever the Lord has planned for him. This morning he asked me to read out of Jeremiah 29, one of his favorite passages of the Lord’s plans to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future.