505-847-0062 todd@ewyouthranch.org

This is the month that we remember the best birthday of all, Christmas. But did you know every month approximately 30 Eagles’ Wings campers are reminded of Jesus’ love on their birthday. One of the special follow up activities we are blessed to be able to offer is birthday cards.

Anne Whittaker, a member of our advisory board, has graciously volunteered to send out birthday cards to every camper who has ever attended Eagles’ Wings camp. On their birthday they receive a card sharing that they are thought of and missed here at the ranch. Each card expresses our love and reminds them of what they learned while attending camp. It is such a special feeling to receive a personal card from people that love and care for you.

Thank you Anne for giving to bless our vulnerable youth and thank all of you for reaching out through the work of Eagles’ Wings Youth Ranch to these hurting youth. Let’s be a blessing to others this Birthday Season.