505-847-0062 [email protected]

I used to think mentoring was something only super-spiritual people could or would do. The more I work with both the young people needing mentors, as well as with the folks that are investing their lives in these young    people, the more I realize this is what Christ was doing with His followers. He was walking along side of them, teaching them as He befriended them. Not only that, but I believe it’s what we’re all asked to do.

It may mean stepping out of our comfort zone, but as every one of the current mentors would tell you, the small amount of discomfort that existed during those first meetings has turned into anticipation as they look forward to their weekly get-togethers with their new, young friends…their protégé’s. When I read the weekly notes from the mentors, I often get tears in my eyes as I think about how the relationships have evolved and progressed in just a few short months.

  • One of our guys tells about doing a weekly study with his protégé using one of Billy Graham’s books.
  • Another tells of getting together to share a burger, and to just talk. This young protégé, just a few months ago, would hardly say a word… now he’s often bringing up topics to discuss!
  • Another is spending time allowing his young   protégé opportunities to play and have fun, which does not happen at home.
  • And yet another tells of baking cookies, talking, singing and even laughing with her young lady  protégé.

The important thing to remember is none of these kids have much, if any, church involvement or positive  spiritual influence in their lives. I praise God every day for these folks who have stepped forward to invest their lives in the lives of these special young people!

I’d love to be sharing stories of your work as a mentor a year from now. Please pray about becoming involved in this vital role and outreach of Eagles’ Wings. We’ll be having another training time for new mentors soon, so drop us a note, so we can get you started in this exciting opportunity.